Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia
The Association has developed and maintains a high respect across the broad range of its contacts and clients both domestically and internationally as an industry wide organisation whose emphasis is on self help. The activities of the modern EWPAA are almost entirely market developmental and its mission is to assist in maximising the medium to long term financial benefits to all of its members. This mission is to be achieved by using the EWPAA as a vehicle to provide those functions which none of the members, as individual corporations can effectively provide for themselves.
The Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia Ltd (EWPAA) can trace its origins back to 1934 as the Queensland Plywood Board originally established to promote the “orderly marketing of plywood in Queensland”. This included setting factory gate benchmark prices and production and sales quotas. Obviously much has changed since those times with the modern EWPAA representing plywood, laminated veneer lumber and more recently particleboard and medium density fibreboard.
The Association has developed and maintains a high respect across the broad range of its contacts and clients both domestically and internationally as an industry wide organisation whose emphasis is on self help. The activities of the modern EWPAA are almost entirely market developmental and its mission is to assist in maximising the medium to long term financial benefits to all of its members. This mission is to be achieved by using the EWPAA as a vehicle to provide those functions which none of the members, as individual corporations can effectively provide for themselves.
Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia
Unit 3, 106 Fison Avenue West
Eagle Farm Qld 4009
Postal: PO Box 2108, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006
T: 02 3250 3700
E: [email protected]