Construction Product Conformance Data – Manufacturers and Suppliers

The building product conformance landscape in Australia is rapidly changing. Responding to recent building apartment fires, the growth of non-conforming products in the supply chain, and recognition that there is a disproportionate responsibility for building product conformance checking at the end of the supply chain (e.g. by builders and building surveyors), steps are being taken to overhaul building product conformity law, regulations and codes.

Federal and State building regulators are implementing Non-Conforming Building Product – Chain or Responsibility (NCBP-CoR) legislation that places obligations on all building supply chain participants (product designers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers and installers) to ensure building products are safe and fit for their intended use. At the same time, the National Construction Code (NCC) Evidence of Suitability provisions are being upgraded, including the option of demonstrating product conformance through Product Technical Statements.

This guide will help building product manufacturers, suppliers and installers to manage product conformance data under new minimum necessary Non-Conforming Building Product – Chain of Responsibility (NCBP-CoR) legislation requirements and new National Construction Code (NCC) requirements.

BPIC Construction Product Conformance Data: A Manufacturer and Supplier guide to managing product conformance data